App Guides

Featured App Friday: Weilos

Weilos is a unique weight loss app that is focused on connecting users in order to help them reach their goals. Once you download this app (available for FREE on iTunes), you will get a stream of motivational quotes and pictures that welcome you to share your weight loss journey.

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Unlike other apps, Weilos focuses on the social supoprt aspect of weight loss and provides you with a community of people who want to support you and your successes.

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Weilos recognizes that weight loss is difficult, and that it’s better when you have other people to support you, which makes it an effective tool for anybody looking to either lose weight or simple get more fit.

Users range from people who want to lose 100 pounds, to others who simply want to tone.

Obviously users that are successful with Weilos are also working out and eating right in addition to using the app, but the motivation that the app provides them is also a key component to their success. It’s a social network for people looking to engage with other positive people.

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We suggest using Weilos with a calorie tracker, such as MyFitnessPal and a workout tracker, such as MapMyFitness. You can even post your screenshots from your run or diet to Weilos.

On Weilos, people celebrate even your smallest victories. In the future, the app will also include Buddychat, which will allow you to message someone through the app. In the later future, they want to integrate programs into the app where people can complete fitness and/or diet challenges together.

Weilos will help you stay motivated on your weight loss journey so that whenever you’re feeling down, craving that cupcake, or don’t feel like working out, you can check out the latest posts, and your motivation will come flooding back

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